Fuzzy String Matching in Python

Marco Bonzanini

Fuzzy String Matching, also called Approximate String Matching, is the process of finding strings that approximatively match a given pattern.
The closeness of a match is often measured in terms of edit distance, which is the number of primitive operations necessary to convert the string into an exact match.
Primitive operations are usually: insertion (to insert a new character at a given position), deletion (to delete a particular character) and substitution (to replace a character with a new one).

Fuzzy String Matching can have different practical applications. Typical examples are spell-checking, text re-use detection (the politically correct way of calling plagiarism detection), spam filtering, as well as several applications in the bioinformatics domain, e.g. matching DNA sequences.

This article plays around with fuzzywuzzy, a Python library for Fuzzy String Matching.

Getting Started with Fuzzywuzzy

FuzzyWuzzy has been developed and open-sourced by SeatGeek, a service to find sport…

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